BS Ranch & Farm’s zero-waste model
transforms a wide range of organic
waste into valuable products

Our goal is to provide high quality soil products made from a wide variety of nutrient rich waste
streams that would otherwise end up in landfills or incinerators. Through unique managed
decomposition processes we are able to produce large volumes at low costs, thereby making the
most positive environmental impacts.

Through our ongoing business transformation, BS Ranch & Farm has invested heavily in new technologies and research, improving our processes and our products to provide maximum benefit to our planet. We have also significantly reduced or eliminated the acceptance of certain ‘post-consumer’ waste streams.

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Our mission is to reduce the human impact to the state of Florida through a more natural management of organic waste and soil regeneration.

There are over 1,000 people moving to the state of Florida each day. Unbridled development, leaching septic tanks, and dirty runoff are huge threats to our fragile ecosystem. The processing and repurposing of organic waste streams into soil products diverts waste from landfills, reduces methane release into the atmosphere, capture carbons, retains water, slow releases nutrients to plants, and reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers. The list of environmental benefits goes on and on.

Why Us?

We use a unique process to aid mother nature in making high quality soil products.

It takes a significant amount of time and management to properly decompose organic materials so that they can transform into the most useful elements to plants and our overall environment. To make a real difference, it also must be done on a large scale. Without these elements, you often end up with low-quality products that are produced quickly. At BS Ranch & Farm we feel that our society has enough of these types of products. That is another reason why we do what we do. We are always striving to give back more to our environment in the best possible way.


Our Products Help The Earth

Reduce Water Usage

Using quality, organic soil products can help farmers reduce the amount of water required to produce healthy crops.

Divert Organic Waste

We help you divert organic waste from our landfills and non-sanctioned dumping.

Reduce Fertilizer Usage

The use of organic compost aids farmers and landscaping professionals in replenishing topsoils while reducing the use of dangerous fertilizers.

Environmentally Friendly

The use of high quality organic products puts carbon and nutrients back into our soils instead of in our atmosphere and waterways.